Lucas Gabellini-Fava
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Lucas Gabellini-Fava is a London-based artist. He studied at the London College of Communication, where he received a BA First Class Honours degree in Photography. His practice explores themes of preservation, authenticity and the passage of time.
Delving into the complexities of visual and textual interpretation, he invites a reconsideration of conventional narratives. His conceptual interests extend to questioning established norms and hierarchies within artistic discourse, challenging viewers to engage with the interplay between the tangible and intangible.
By re-contextualizing found objects and images, he offers new perspectives on the inherent histories and narratives that they carry. The work serves as a testament to the enduring dialogue between materiality and memory through various examinations of how objects and images evolve over time .
Lucas is part of London’s Revolv Collective, which was established with the vision of developing new collaborative practices within the visual arts, focusing on innovative ways of teaching and creating photography.
Member of Revolv Collective